
maya Point constraints

maya Point constraints

Inverse Kinematics is a way of animating in which you determine the end position of a controller to create the desired movement. It acts in the other direction then Forward Kinematics, so it moves the character from the bottom of the hierarchy up. So, for instance to get a character to walk, you animate the endpoint of the foot and Maya determines the way the leg follows to get the walking motion. Of course you can also influence the way in which Maya makes the leg move to get the end position of the foot, but you have less control over it than with Forward Kinematics.
 Hi i am kevin.I enjoy making art with a computer. I work for an animation company .in my website you will learn how to use maya software ,plus,you can  buy  autodesk maya software latest version at cheap price at my webshop.
In this video tutorial will learn basic trick Maya

